Legal information: The comparison does not provide a complete market overview. The main ranking factor is the overall result, which is calculated based on the filter settings and the respective product conditions. The listing starts with the highest revenues and ends with the highest costs. For products with equal revenues/costs, the closing ratio is also taken into account. That is, products that are chosen more often in relation to the calls here are placed higher. Unfortunately, we cannot check ratings, which we sometimes obtain externally, for authenticity.
Ordervolumen: 1000 € / Order pro Jahr: 12 Order
* Kosten pro Jahr, berechnet auf Basis der aktuellen Konditionen vom 26.07.2024. Bei Wertpapiertransaktionen können zusätzlich zu den Bankgebühren fremde Spesen anfallen. Investieren beinhaltet Verlustrisiken. Alle Angaben ohne Gewähr, © 2024
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