Apartment & Room Offers for Rent In Prague

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This article lists housing options in Prague. Where possible, the links lead directly to the search results for Prague.

There are also lists for other Czech cities.

Short-Term Rentals

The following options are convenient for stays from 2 weeks to 12 months.

Furnished Apartments & Rooms

Rooms & Flatshares

Long-Term Rentals

Long-term rentals are for usually longer than 12 months.

Classified ads

These websites connect landlords and apartment seekers. Click on the offers to contact a landlord.

  • Offers on BezRealitky: furnished & unfurnished flats, main Czech website for renting (and buying) property, all ads are without brokerage fees, website also in 🇬🇧🇷🇺


Facebook Groups

Facebook groups offer both short- & long-term rentals.


  1. 1.0 1.1 This is an affiliate link. If you click on it and then buy something or sign up for a service, we may earn a commission which covers our expenses. This does not change the price for you.